The ultimate review

Every year at Ramsey (and pretty much everywhere else I've worked) everyone goes through a performance review.

At Ramsey, we conduct annual reviews on (or around) our team members' anniversary dates.

I've worked at other companies where reviews were scheduled at the same time of year for everyone.

Either way, the review process is an important milestone for any team member to receive feedback on how they're performing.

It's a chance for leaders to review the work a team member has done, notice and call out notable contributions, and discuss career path and growth.

After completing my review this year, I got to thinking about the ultimate review; The one that's coming up at the end of my life.

One day, I'll stand before my ultimate leader and give an account for my life.

Everything I've said and done, or not said... and not done will be reviewed. (Matthew 12:36, 1 Peter 4:5)

The stakes at this review will be much higher than my typical annual review. This one's not about what promotion I might get or encouragement I might receive.

This is the review where I'll hear one of two things:

"Well done good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master."


"Depart from me. I never knew you."

I rejoice in the fact that my justification is not based on my ability, but on Christ's ability to meet God's standard. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

That being said, we are called to live out our lives in light of this justification and we will be evaluated based on what we do. (James 2:24)

Which of us wants to stand before God and be left with nothing, barely escaping the flames as it were? (1 Corinthians 3:14-15)

Anyway, I enjoy the annual review process and will continue to work to make my reviews and my team members' reviews significant.

But as I do, I will allow myself to be reminded that these are just shadows of the ultimate review.

The only one that truly matters.